General Recovery Pack

Sale price¥7,700 Regular price¥9,000
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Title: 2 in 1 Foam Roller + Large (Green) Stretchband + Ice Mate


Everyone needs a daily recovery program, regardless of how much or how little physical activity they’ve put their body through! 

Whether you have been sitting at a desk all day or playing your favourite sport, use these products regularly to wind down and help maintain muscle elasticity and joint mobility. 

The Ice Mate is a First Aid Kit essential! Keep it handy to apply cold and compression when needed. It’s perfect for minor bumps, bruises, (even hangovers!)

Pack Inclusions:

Ice Mate - Reusable Ice bag and compression strap

Stretchband S/M/L (Size variation) - High tension stretching loop designed to assist with correct stretching posture. Choose the size to match your height and level of flexibility 

EPP roller - Get two rollers for the price of one! Use the larger roller for daily muscle massage release of the thigh (Quads), hamstrings, calves and peroneals. Keep the small roller under your desk to sooth sore feet or as a handy travel companion.

Drawstring bag


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